
Hi, I’m Dr. Mara!

My goal is to help you understand the true root cause of your symptoms by being your private health detective (no band-aid approaches here!). Together we’ll uncover the healthiest version of yourself.

If you’re struggling to get to the bottom of your health concerns, I aim to be the very last stop on your healing journey.


My passion for health and wellness began when I was practicing as a psychologist in the schools many years ago—I used to evaluate children with a variety of disabilities to qualify them for special education services, anything from autism to ADHD to learning disabilities. In the school districts you get a birds eye view of how many health struggles children are experiencing today vs a couple decades ago and that was the catalyst for the career switch into investigating and researching the WHY behind all of it. 


I decided to switch gears and because I wanted to be more impactful, my passion evolved into healing children of numerous conditions rather than just diagnosing them - as well as preventing these now common childhood conditions with preconception prep. I went onto study Nutritional Biochemistry and Functional Medicine, became a functional blood chemistry/functional lab specialist and have been trained or mentored by Dr. Klinghardt, Dr. Datis Kharazzian, Erin Holt, Brendan Vermeire, Josh Gitalis, Dr. Lisa Pomeroy, Emily Morrow, and Dr. Bryan Walsh to name a few.

Though I initially started working with kids, my practice now consists of working with mostly mom’s and their kids because it’s my passion to get the whole family healthy.

I’m also equally passionate about preconception prep to reduce the likelihood of health complications with future offspring and complications during pregnancy and postpartum.


I help my clients understand the true root cause of their symptoms and uncover the healthiest version of themselves.

I can help with…

Women’s overall health through: Sex hormone and thyroid imbalances, chronic fatigue, weight loss, mold toxicity, skin issues, gut imbalances, infertility, preconception and post-natal, and more.

Children’s overall health through: GI issues, neurodevelopmental & neuropsychiatric disorders, eczema and other skin conditions, and more. I work with children between the ages of 2 to their teenage years.

*Please contact me or schedule a free coffee chat to ask if I am an expert in your specific condition. I will always refer out if needed.

Dr. Mara is a root cause practitioner and functional medicine practitioner that works with women and kids on investigating the root cause. Dr. Mara also works with children with autism, PANS/PANDAS, ADHD, neurodevelopmental disorders.

get to know me

Fun Facts about Dr. Mara

Dr. Mara is a root cause practitioner and functional medicine practitioner that works with women and kids on investigating the root cause. Dr. Mara also works with children with autism, PANS/PANDAS, ADHD, neurodevelopmental disorders.

Anytime I completed one of those “career” quizzes in school, the results were always…

“Private investigator” or “detective”. Instead of joining the FBI I became a “health” detective and root cause “investigator”.

My favorite hobbies are…

Yoga, spending time in nature, or hanging out at a spa!

My biggest fear is…

Not living and seeing enough things before I die.

My guilty pleasure is travel!

I’ve traveled to many countries solo (I’m a big introvert). 

What I am most proud of

Helping people truly restore balance in their bodies to live a full and vibrant life—it’s my passion to get individuals and the whole family healthy!

Let's work together

Ready to embody