root cause solutions

How It Works

Curious about what it truly means to investigate the root, and any underlying issues within the body? Have questions about how we’ll work together and what the journey will look like? You'll find everything you need here!

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real success stories 

“What can I say, except, Dr. Mara saved my life & I wish she was the first practitioner I found”

“What can I say, except, Dr. Mara saved my life & I wish she was the first practitioner I found. I was a burned out mother and had a laundry list of symptoms ranging from chronic fatigue, insomnia, irregular periods, hashimoto’s to debilitating anxiety. I tried the usual local functional medicine doctor route and then a few other practitioners I found on instagram and found i’d feel better as long as I was on numerous supplements. If I stopped taking any of the supplements they gave me the symptoms resurfaced. It wasn’t until working with Dr. Mara that I realized most practitioners practice “green pharmacy” and not root cause. Dr. Mara used so many different modalities to help me and I don’t know how to explain it - it was just DEEP. She went really deep to figure out what was causing all of my symptoms instead of just giving me 15 supplements to take that weren’t actually addressing the problem. I now feel so regulated, am not dependent on any supplements, have so much energy, no longer take thyroid meds, and I just have this vitality that I haven’t had since before motherhood and i’m a better mother because I feel like a happy, energized person.”

Vicki Respeto, Bend, Oregon

“My daughter had severe eczema since 6 months old. We spent thousands working with a local naturopath and after that did not work, an eczema group program we discovered on IG… and only made very slight progress, which was extremely upsetting. Dr. Mara was highly recommended in a New Jersey crunchy mom’s facebook group so I told my husband I had to try just one more time. Right away I knew things were going to be different this time because the initial intake was so thorough - she asked so many questions and interpreted previous labs SO thoroughly I was stunned (the doctors who ran my daughter’s labs spent 5 minutes reviewing her labs with me). My daughter’s eczema completely went away after 3 months and as i’m writing this it’s been 9 months and zero flares. I truly can’t thank Dr. Mara enough and I highly recommend her to everyone I know. Working with someone who you can FEEL who cares and will actually spend the time to help your child is so hard to find.

Michelle Ages, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey


Work With Me

My tailored programs are designed to be the last stop on your journey to healing. We dive deep and get to the root cause of your symptoms by putting together your puzzle pieces so you can heal. No guesswork, quick fixes or band-aid approaches—only true, functional healing. I work with women and children to help them get to the root cause of their symptoms. Find out how I can help you.

Dr. Mara is a root cause practitioner and functional medicine practitioner that works with women and on investigating the root cause.

Women’s Wellness Program

Investigating the Root

Steeped in root cause medicine, this program is designed to help women understand and resolve the underlying root causes of imbalance and illness in the body.

Dr. Mara is a root cause practitioner and functional medicine practitioner that works with kids and kids on investigating the root cause. Dr. Mara also works with children with autism, PANS/PANDAS, ADHD, neurodevelopmental disorders.

children + teens

Investigating the Root for Kids

Designed to uncover the best version of your child, this program will address the root causes of their symptoms, and restore balance and ensure lifelong health, happiness and vitality.


Have a question about my programs and offerings? Contact me or check my frequently asked questions below!

real success stories

“I have energy, all of my severe gut issues have resolved and my skin is glowing and I’m sleeping so well!”

“I couldn’t recommend working with Dr. Mara enough! I had Hashimoto’s and SIBO. Naturopaths I worked with always told me Hashimoto’s was a lifelong disease and that my thyroid antibodies could never be reduced. I’m glad I never accepted that advice. After working with Dr. Mara on my actual root causes I NO LONGER HAVE ELEVATED THYROID ANTIBODIES! The naturopath I worked with helped my SIBO somewhat but it kept coming back until I worked with Dr. Mara. I actually have energy throughout the day, I’ve naturally lost 30 pounds, all of my gut issues have resolved, I can eat the foods again that I was so intolerant to before. My skin is glowing and I’m sleeping so well now. If you want to actually get to the bottom of your health issues, I’d only recommend working with Dr. Mara.”

Megan Bianchi, Naperville, Illinois

Your questions answered

Frequently Asked Questions


 general questions

  • I will reach out to you to schedule your initial deep dive and I will also send you all of the necessary paperwork for you to complete on practice better.

  • My programs are 100% virtual.

  • You can spread out payments for 3 or 4 months.

  • I use a combination of bioresonance, functional bloodwork, and other functional tests (stool, DUTCH, hair tissue mineral analysis, mycotox panel, etc. depending on the individual). I run labs that are necessary in uncovering your unique root causes.

  • I do! Contact me and I can provide you pricing information for your family.

  • Yes. Costs for functional labs and things needed for each protocol (that could be supplements and other tools).

  • New York does not allow for any functional labs to be mailed. Typically my clients in New York have their functional labs shipped outside of NY. If you are in New York, New Jersey or Rhode Island I cannot provide requisitions for bloodwork. My clients in these states have to go out of state for bloodwork or their in-state healthcare provider would have to run the bloodwork.

  • I do! Please contact me with your country information to make sure I can service you in that state (meaning I can order labs and you have access to protocol materials in your specific country)

  • It is impossible for me to guarantee results as obtaining results is highly dependent on various factors (adherence to protocols, ability to purchase protocol tools, your unique situation, mindset, etc.), but I haven’t worked with an individual yet that hasn’t made some type of progress if they were diligent in adhering to their protocols and gave progress *time*. Healing does take time and patience.

  • I do not offer refunds.


Women’s Health

  • Autoimmunity, Gut issues, adrenal/hormone & thyroid issues, stealth infections and chronic illness (lyme, mold toxicity, heavy metals, parasites, mast cell activation, etc.), weight loss, mental health, fertility, etc.

  • Yes. My passion is preconception health in order to improve outcomes for both mom and baby. If you are actively trying to get pregnant, we can still address root causes (depending), but may be more limited if you become pregnant depending on what health issues need to be addressed. Simply contact me for specific information regarding your unique situation.


Children + Youth

  • Anything and everything, except cancer.

    The babies, children and teens I work with come to me for a variety of issues: gut issues, neurodevelopmental disorders, stealth infections, skin conditions, hormone issues, allergies/food sensitivities, etc.

  • Infancy and up!

Don’t see your question? Send me a message and I’d be happy to chat with you.

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